Man looking over digital xrays of cast parts

From our 4 million volt linear accelerator down to our X-View Digital X-Ray Imaging System, we have the solution for the largest castings down to the smallest products with high volume and quick turn around.

Our linear accelerators can penetrate up to 12” of cast steel and our facilities are built to handle castings up to 10 tons.
InspecTech was an early adopter of digital x-ray and continues to stay on the cutting edge with advanced systems and technologies updated on a regular basis. We also understand that many specs require computed radiography or traditional processed film to be read by trained, qualified technicians.

While most NDT suppliers offer similar equipment and services, what differentiates InspecTech Corp. from others in the industry are our people. InspecTech technicians continually provide industry leading customer service and reliability.

Moving x-ray maching in to postion for Non destructive testing
Man moving x-ray machine in to postion for large casting
Mak marking x-rays for castings that have defects.